Monster Strike The Animation
The lonely dragon Oragon is called upon to help save the Strike World from annihilation and hear tales of the legendary monsters that will help him, including the fallen angel Lucifer, the Knight of Knights Arthur, the mage princess Solomon, and more.
Features a storyline unrelated to the previous Monster Strike the Animation seasons. Various stories featuring monster characters from the Monster Strike mobile game are presented in an omnibus format.
(Source: Official YouTube channel, edited)...More
Score: 61
Format: ONA
Episodes: 64
Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy
- Studio Anima
- Lelle (Theme Song Performance (ep 63))
- Kentarou Sakurai (Theme Song Lyrics (ep 63))
- Lelle (Theme Song Arrangement (ep 63))
- Kentarou Sakurai (Theme Song Composition (ep 63))
- Jirou Ishii (Project Management)
- Jirou Ishii (Story)
- Masayoshi Ooishi (Theme Song Performance (ED))
- Nana Mizuki (Theme Song Performance (ED))
- Masayoshi Ooishi (Theme Song Performance)
- Lucifer (MAIN)Youko Hikasa
- Oragon (SUPPORTING)Jun Fukushima
- Uriel (SUPPORTING)Mikako Komatsu
- Pandora (SUPPORTING)Yui Ogura
- Arthur (SUPPORTING)Nana Mizuki
- Balt (SUPPORTING)Yasuhiro Mamiya
- Beelzebub (SUPPORTING)Daisuke Hirakawa
- Elijah (SUPPORTING)Minami Shinoda
- Binah (SUPPORTING)Yui Horie
- Gabriel (SUPPORTING)Rina Hidaka
- Joel (SUPPORTING)Natsumi Fujiwara
- King Grouch (SUPPORTING)Wataru Takagi