The anime centers on Minoa Asagaya, a new high school student in Sakaneko Private High School. Despite being a novice to anime, Minoa's classmate Arisu Kamiigusa invites her to make an "anime research club" at school. Through conversations with her classmate Miko Kouenji, as well as various anime-loving upperclassmen, Minoa gradually gets hooked on anime. While they stand against the student council's continuous efforts to disband their club, and they ignore the impending end of the world, they talk about anime, whether in Akiba, or in real-life "sacred place" anime settings, or the hot springs.
(Source: Anime News Network)
Score: 61
Format: TV
Episodes: 12
Genres: Comedy
- WAO World
- Kenshirou Morii (Director)
- Mitsutaka Hirota (Series Composition)
- Keigo Hoashi (Music)
- Soushi Kinutani (Character Design)
- Soushi Kinutani (Chief Animation Director)
- Hiroshi Gouroku (Art Director)
- Yukio Nagasaki (Sound Director)
- GARNiDELiA (Theme Song Performance (OP))
- Kaede Hondo (Theme Song Performance (ED))
- Kuniyuki Takahashi (Music)
- Kouki Nakano (MAIN)Junta Terashima
- Kai Musashisakai (MAIN)Setsuo Itou
- Miko Kouenji (MAIN)Hisako Toujou
- Arisu Kamiigusa (MAIN)Sayaka Senbongi
- Minoa Asagaya (MAIN)Kaede Hondo
- Erika Aoyama (MAIN)Anju Inami
- Masato Gomon (SUPPORTING)Makoto Furukawa
- Matsuri Toda (SUPPORTING)Miyu Takagi
- Ayame Osaki (SUPPORTING)Natsumi Takamori
- Tooru Roppongi (SUPPORTING)Naomi Maruyama
- Bei Bei Yang (SUPPORTING)Kana Hanazawa
- Tsubaki Akabane (SUPPORTING)Asuka Nishi